Customer Service...people powered

One of the things the Internet has become full of is customer service complaints. There are so many dissatisifed customers out there it seems, and not just for the big companies, but also the small ones. Tracking these complaints online can be a full time job, which is why I mentioned filtrbox
But how can you provide excellent, transparent customer service when you have limited resources? Well, today's great discovery is
It is an online forum type application where people can post messages, ideas, feedback, ask questions, etc to your company. Basically, it allows you to support your customers, as well as allowing them to support each other. Which reduces the amount of support you need to provide when your loyal customer base are helping each other out.
It is free and well worth joining up to check it out. If you can support a few of your customers through an application such as this, then you will inevitably increase the chances of them buying from you again, recommending you to others, and probably checking back occasionally to see if they can help anyone else out in return.
The site is easy to use, very Web 2.0 in appearance and structure, and has been clearly thought out. The fact that it is being used by some large companies, probably as a trial, as well as some of the busy sites such as Twitter, implies that it may well have legs.
Give it a go - get satisfaction!
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