The 15 minute alarm
Further to yesterday's post about time logging, I found some code for the EEE PC which pops up a neat window every 15 minutes and asks, "What are you doing?" It is a good question much of the time, and it appears that my attention span at times can be less than that on the job I am supposed to be doing! It enters my response into a text file which allows me to see what the hell I have spent the last 8 hours on. I'll post the code here for anyone who wants it later, but it has prompted me to add a list of features required in my time logging software to a half-composed email to the developers of the one I am currently using.
* A pop up alarm clock demanding me to account of myself
* A calendar that shows all the up and coming deadlines, as well as those past due, and the work required
* An easy way to show not just jobs done, but percentage completed from the estimate given to the client, and therefore how much time is left to finish the task
* This would then show me in print how far out the time estimates have been over the years, and why I am still skint, and my clients are doing just fine on all the unbilled hours I have had to put in.
Labels: time logging consultancy alarm unbilled hours web pr
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