Spell check your website!!
There are far too many businesses out there who seem to think that the odd spelling mistake on their website will not affect how potential customers view them or their products. How are potential purchasers of your products going to know that those spelling mistakes don't also affect the quality of your product? Additionally, how are you going to be found on the search engines if a keyword is spelt incorrectly?
Spell check your website. There is no excuse for not copying and pasting the text of your pages into an online spellchecker such as Spellcheck.net thus ensuring that you begin to build trust with your website visitors from the word go with the right impression.
Additionally, you can use this type of application to ensure that your Ebay auction items sell at the highest price because people can find them. Amazing how many people are trying to sell a dingy rather than a dinghy, or an antic rather than antique!
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