This site is just great. Wikihow. It is an ever-growing online manual of how to do things. All sorts of things from how to make a network cable, through to poaching an egg, solving back problems with Pilates, in fact, you name it, it's here. Or will be soon.
If you want to market your website, and your products, then you'd do well to consider what you could put in Wikihow that might pull in some new customers. This is another site that shows the power of user-created content. You can put URLs in to a page, but expect them to be edited out over time if you are just blatantly self-advertising and not creating a useful article to help people in their daily lives. You can however create a useful how to article that contains keywords that tie in to your PPC campaigns so you are showing as a paid listing both at the side and below the articles.
And you can use it to complement your FAQs. Why write them all yourself if there is a huge number of people out there willing to help you do the work!! Links to sites such as these, which have the potential to become one of those great resources on the Internet over time, will give you street cred. Spend a few minutes on wikihow today and think what you could do there that might enhance your business vistors, brand awareness, product FAQ etc.
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