
Wednesday, February 04, 2009

Domain Renewal group warning

Been a while since I have been hit with this particular scam. Offical looking letter, lots of small print, sent at a time when a domain is up for renewal. But, it certainly isn't due up for renewal with these guys.

Small businesses often fall victim to this type of scam which is asking for a mere £20 payment for a 1 year renewal of what could potentially be a vital domain name. £65 for 5 years.

Last time I got hit for it was on a .eu domain that I had purposely registered for 1 year as I knew that was the timescale/lifespan of a particular set of keywords we were using. The letters got increasingly unpleasant, and I got bored of scanning (OCR) Flemish and french legalese to realise it was easier to hit 'shred' not scan.

All that is actually being requested with this particular letter is that you switch your DOMAIN REGISTRAR to this particualr company. And as I am perfectly happy with my domain registrar, who send timely reminders, allow me a fantastically useful dashboard to edit all my accounts, cancel domains, renew them, set up web and email forwarding (for the purposes of impartiality, they shall remain nameless - you can find out in about 30secs!), this is yet another letter that is going in the bin.

This cross-marketing of web to post is now becoming as tedious as many of the other idiocies of our daily lives where someone seeks to make a quick buck out of our information overload.

Make a note of where you have registered your domains, make sure that it is easy to find if your secretary leaves, and never, ever, respond to anything like this. As they seem to be targetting .com domains due to expire in the next few months, I look forward to many more. Not.

Update: Oh, and I know it is petty but writing, "No bloody chance" and sticking it back in their envelope with a 1p stamp on doesn't half feel good for the soul!

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