
Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Synonyms, Google and tildes

When you are optimising your website, and seeking good keywords to use, do not forget synonyms. Those are the related words to your keywords and phrases, and Google et al use them to suss out the overall relevance of your page for your top keywords and phrases.

How to find the synonyms? Well, you can use a thesaurus - there are online ones, or most Word Processing packages include them. Or you can get onto Google and type the keyword that you want synonyms for preceded by a tilde. That's one of these things ~ like they put over an 'n' in Spanish to make an enya.

that's one of these - ñ !

So, if for instance, you want synonyms for "cheap flights" (yes, I really do need a holiday!) you type "~cheap flights" into Google, without the speech marks. And bingo! All the synonyms that Google likes are highlighted in bold ready for you to pluck out and use on your own site.

And that's today's handy little search engine optimisation and keyword discovery tip.

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