It is always worth going round the IM sites (of which there are zillions) to see what their latest tactics are.
One word of warning: leave your credit card somewhere safe when you do. Internet Marketers really are remarkably good at sales, as well as getting you to their site in the first place, and the use of hypnotic writing means you could find yourself needing, and hence buying, products you had never heard of 5 mins earlier. It is likely that 5 minutes later, when you have dropped out of your trance, you will wonder why on earth you bought this remarkable e-book or that incredible software when you are still trying to build a working website!
One of the things you will discover when you explore IM sites is the
One Off Offer or OTO. The hardcore Internet Marketing bunch started using this back in 2006, but it now seems to have become ubiquitous, and has moved into other niches.
This actually is something that most shops etc cannot achieve without very good sales staff willing to stick to their guns that this is a one off offer and won't be available another day, as they have targets to meet, and is a particularly good strategy for websites, whatever you sell. As long as you are happy to be "aggressive" with your selling technique, there is no reason not to start exploring OTOs and time-limited price discounts.
The point with an OTO is that with a little decent programming (cookies, registering IP addresses etc), you can ensure that that person is never offered the product again at that price (or has to work quite hard to get it), and so you can work on that facet of human nature which loves a bargain. With time-limited pricing, you just keep putting the price up in your sales cart, and with some well-timed autoresponder messages sent to their email address, you will probably grab them at some point if you have a good product they feel they really need or that is unique to you eg an info product.
Much research has been done with OTOs, as well as with selling 'must have' products whose price is only held for a certain amount of time. If your site visitor is already in 'buying mode' and has their credit card in hand, further offers made to them, particularly those which are OTOs or where the price is due to increase in the near future, become attractive. The buy rate for these new tempting products has been seen to be up to 150% higher than if the product is offered at other times or in a non-urgent manner.
It can be a very good way of clearing stock, of selling info products eg ebooks, or of offering training courses and unique content. Many people are also selling affiliate and third party products through this method, which can mean that you earn money without actually needing to develop your own product, deal with shipping etc.
In this day and age, with the current economic conditions, it is worth considering all this types of sales techniques to keep your sales ledger moving.
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